1: "Get ready to witness a stunning lighted meteor shower tomorrow, with 120 shooting stars per hour lighting up the sky."

2: "Experience the magic of nature as the breathtaking meteor shower fills the skies with an incredible display of shooting stars."

3: "Don't miss out on this celestial phenomenon happening tomorrow, where you can see up to 120 shooting stars per hour."

4: "Gather your friends and family to witness the mesmerizing lighted meteor shower tomorrow, with 120 shooting stars per hour."

5: "Make sure to find a clear, open space tomorrow to catch a glimpse of the spectacular meteor shower, with 120 shooting stars per hour."

6: "Set your alarm for tomorrow night to witness the magical lighted meteor shower, with an incredible 120 shooting stars per hour."

7: "Prepare to be amazed as the sky fills with a dazzling show of shooting stars tomorrow, with an impressive count of 120 per hour."

8: "Get ready for an unforgettable experience tomorrow as the lighted meteor shower graces the skies with 120 shooting stars per hour."

9: "Mark your calendars for tomorrow's lighted meteor shower, where you can witness a breathtaking display of 120 shooting stars per hour."